Thursday, February 12, 2009

Chapter 5: Understanding and Using Texts

When I think of text used in a classroom boring outdated text books come to mind. As a future teacher, I plan to encourage and motivate my students read. A good way to do this is by introducing a variety of texts to students that will at some point meet each student’s interest. With in each content area several assortments of text can be used and introduced within the classroom. Not only is it important to use a variety of text but one must also consider the readability of the text, the content, and the interest. Students are not likely to read text they are not interested in unless they are given no choice in the matter. I do not want to be a teacher that forces my students to read.
Digital text has the strongest impact on students because they are surrounded by it daily. Digital text allows students to encounter experiences they would not naturally be around or have the opportunity to see. They are able to view other cultures, lifestyles, see photographs, and videos of people all around the world. Computers can and should be used in every classroom on a daily basis. It enhances learning for students and creates authentic experiences.
It is also important to consider assignment when choosing text selections. Difficult assignments that require extensive thought from the student should not be paired with unfamiliar text. A helpful way to break down a big assignment that involves complex text is to pick out the big ideas from the text. Essentially, what should the student know and understand after reading. Eliminate as much extra information as possible so the student does not become lost in the text. Texts are very important for both teaching and learning; however, they are only effective when used in an appropriate manner.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree; teachers should definitely present books to their students that are interesting. Children of today are so used to being effortlessly entertained by television and video games and it seems as if anything that doesn't make lots of noise and light up will not hold their attention. As teachers, we need to teach our students that reading can be entertaining! There are so many wonderful books available to students, but how will they discover them if they are never given that opportunity? It is our job to teach students the importance of reading and to give them materials that they will actually have a desire to read.
