Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Story Behind "True To Yourself"

True To Yourself
Composed By: Nicole Keeton and Sara Edens
We chose this theme in an effort to capture the essence of individualism. Both of our I Am poems included things that make up who we are, how we feel, and what we believe. We wanted our video to focus on the special things that make us unique individuals. The majority of our video captures the heart of downtown Hattiesburg. We took several still photographs of old buildings that displayed unique characteristics which complimented our theme. We also shot several short videos in selected areas downtown that we felt were appropriate. Our original plan was to shoot most of our video at the train station and on the rail road tracks. Instead, we found a variety of cool buildings, alleyways, restaurants, sculptures, and objects that intrigued us. We also included photographs of children in Swaziland, Africa. These photographs reflect specific lines from our I Am poems. We are preparing to close a chapter in our book that has educated and prepared us for the future. We are now ready to embark upon a new journey. It is so exciting to know that the future holds endless possibilities.

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