Thursday, April 23, 2009

Toward New Media Texts

We live in a world that is dominated by technology. Without technology we would be lost. As a future teacher it is essential to stay abreast of changing technology. New programs, resources, and gadgets are introduced monthly. How can you relate to students if you do not understand the technologies that they use? Children today are technologically savvy; it is a part of their every day life and comes as a second nature. As a future educator I find motivation a key aspect in planning instruction. What better way to motivate students than to allow them to use technology that they can relate to? It makes their experiences personal and memorable. Everyone expresses themselves in different ways. Technology plays a key role in diversity and successfully meeting all students’ needs.
Visual literacy is a great way to encourage students to express themselves in an abstract way. Students do not enjoy writing countless papers about boring topics but they are interested in creating digital texts such as imovies to express their thoughts. Not only does it free students from the traditional pencil and paper routine it encourages creativity. These types of literacy representations help to focus on students as individuals. They can express their uniqueness, creativity, and most importantly individuality. Why ignore something that is changing our world on a daily basis? Although new technology maybe frightening to some it is best to embrace the changes that it brings. Why rule something out before you try it?

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