Monday, March 30, 2009

Developing Content Area Writers

Good writing to me is like drinking a hot cup of coffee in the morning. It is refreshing and gives you a warm feeling of content. What I described is the feeling that I enjoy when I read good writing. Unfortunately, I have never experienced this feeling about my own writing. I have always wished that I possessed good writing skills. I have taken countless English courses each focusing or incorporating some aspect of writing. However, I do not feel that I have ever received proper training in writing. Some people seem to have a natural writing talent. Then there is the other side of the spectrum which is made up of people like me, terrible writers. When I am assigned a writing assignment I usually go into panic mode. I have endless thoughts and ideas in my head; I just don’t know how to transfer those thoughts to paper. “You should display college level writing.” This is one of the most common statements that accompany almost every writing assignment I have received thus far in my college experience. What exactly is meant by that statement? Generally, I take this statement as meaning that my writing should display proper grammar usage, appropriate word choices, flow smoothly, and display clear thoughts. Instructors set a “college level” writing expectation because they believe that students should have received good writing education by the time they reach the college level. Unfortunately, I think there are several students like myself that have not received writing instruction that is beneficial and sharpens their writing skills. Who is to blame for this deficiency? In my opinion, I think the finger can be pointed in both directions.

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